Light Me Up with Weird Monster Romance Author Sabrina Cross

Light Me Up with Weird Monster Romance Author Sabrina Cross

Sabrina Cross guest stars on the show today and we discuss her sentient object romance novel, Light Me Up. Get ready for a great excerpt, learning about her inspirations, and some stellar life advice.

Of Lies and Honey with Women's Fiction Author Donna Norman-Carbone

Of Lies and Honey with Women's Fiction Author Donna Norman-Carbone

Donna Norman-Carbone, author of Of Lies and Honey, guest stars on the show today. We talk about her award winning books, writers block, NaNoWriMo, and her podcast Author's Talking Bookish, plus more!

Local Legend with Thriller/Suspense Author Megan Chilton

Local Legend with Thriller/Suspense Author Megan Chilton

Today's guest is Local Legend author, Megan Chilton. We talk about her the book's inspiration, referencing people from real life in the story, and her journey querying before deciding to go indie.

Silver Star Red Dragon with Dark Romantic Fantasy Author CA Chaplin

Silver Star Red Dragon with Dark Romantic Fantasy Author CA Chaplin

CA Chaplin, author of Silver Star Red Dragon joins us on the show. We talk about the importance of content and trigger warnings (and how sensitivity readers can help), supportive communities, and considering characters outside of the story.

Shadows of Verihdia with Paranormal & Romantasy Author Nikki Robb

Shadows of Verihdia with Paranormal & Romantasy Author Nikki Robb

Nikki Robb guest stars on the show today. We Shadows of Verhdia and hear an excerpt. We also discuss her history with writing, character diversity, and smart hashtag usage.